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Eeswaran Movie Review: Another Routine Tamil Family Entertainer of 2021

    Eeswaran Movie Review Tamil

    Eeswaran is a Tamil film which is released on January 14, 2021. STR, a well known Tamil actor played the main male lead whereas Nidhi Aggarwal played as a female lead.

    It’s a straight Tamil film released after Master. Master is released on January 13, 2021.

    Eeswaran is a predictable movie and anyone can say this through watching the trailer, songs released by the movie unit. Is it a clash with the Master?

    Eeswaran  Movie Review

     Let’s see what are significant points and have a quick Eeswaran Movie review down!


    The story of a village man who leads a simple and happy life with family, but turns into a nightmare after disputes in his family and with some people in the village.


    Nidhi AggarwalHarish Uthaman
    BharatirajaKaali Venkat
    Nandita SwethaRamdoss


    Directed bySuseenthiran
    Produced byBalaji Kaapa
    Music byS Thaman
    Cinematography byThirunavukarasi
    Edited byAnthony

    Eeswaran Movie Review:

    To keep it simple you can say Eeswaran is a routine family entertainer but entertains less than expected. A neutral audience can say it is boring. Ok, let’s go into the story review. 

    Eeswaran is about a village old man Bharatiraja who has three sons and a daughter lives happily with family but some antagonist wants to kill his family. 

    This is the actual storyline. And the remaining film is how silambalarsan TR will defeat him and win his family’s happiness back. The opening is quite good but the movie doesn’t have much scope in attracting a new audience.

    The story suddenly takes a long lag where some fight scenes were introduced and unnecessary dialogues which are introduced at some parts.

    Coming to performances, silambalarsan the male lead is the main character as usual and carries his family’s responsibilities on his shoulders, sacrifices his love (Nandita) for his father and all routine hero things are there. 

    Female leads and side characters performed well, as there are no pretty good weighted scenes for them. The fights are ok but routine. 

    Apart from that songs are not too attractive. Music by S. Thaman didn’t work well. 

    Plus Points:

    Performances of artists were good. Eeswaran can attract a family audience. Background music was good. Screenplay and direction were better. 

    Minus Points:

    There are more minus points. The story is the main minus point; some points are illogical in the film. The director tried to penetrate the unnecessary scenes.

    For instance, Simbu and Nandita love each other and break up after mismatching. But Nidhi Aggarwal who is the younger sister of Nandita will feel bad for Simbu and teases him to make him fall for her.

    I mean how can a young girl do like that to a person who once loved her sister? It’s like seeing a  cringe story on the big screen. And fights, the snake fight and all the fights can be edited to a maximum least.

    The climax is expected. And the main backdrop of the movie is storytelling: girls shouldn’t rule their family or less importance for girls and teach them not to cheat a man and all.

    This is more similar to his previous vintage movies where Simbu criticises girls for cheating on boys and all.

    Seriously, like who will do like that in 2021? That too, when everyone has their personal opinion the movie showed it’s a big mistake that a girl breaks up with the boy if she doesn’t match his mind!! I don’t think so.

    Eeswaran is an old routine and boring story, that is a family entertainer. I give 2 out of 5 points, where the IMDB rating of Eeswaran is 4.4 out of 10. Share your reviews too!