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Yuvam Movie Review: A Movie Worth Its Name

    Just like its name, this movie is all about the youth and how they can bring about changes once given the proper opportunity. The direction and the story is commendable as it goes along.

    Yuvam Movie Review
    Yuvam Movie Review

    It’s a story about three friends who try to prevent the success of KSRTC being privatized due to debts. It highlights a serious political issue in Kerala and showcases that where there is a will, there is a way. It narrates in a very beautiful way how much strength the youth possesses and how it can be put to use. Also sending the message that “youth are the future citizens” along the way.

    The message sent by the movie  and the issues held up in the quest is quite compelling in its state and that is what makes such a powerful narration. The music by Gopi Sundar, although a bit loud, challenges the theme which is basically the whole point of the movie. The rebellious, strong and hot headed youth that can actually bring good to the country is a genre that has been explored before as well but this one is a good success. Editing is also mentionable.


    Staying true to its name, the movie sends a strong message to the system as well as the youth of this country. Such inspirational movies are rare these days and so it requires much mention and appreciation.

    Rating: 4/5

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